From all the imaginations I have read, I have larned that there are several base features, or traits, in men that appeal women. This article will go through some of these traits, in order to help you learn to use them to broaden your success with women.
When exhibiting these certain traits, women will instinctively become attracted to you, and I 'm not talking about some mild attraction here, I 'm talking about real, raw, lasting sexual attraction to you. So let's get to it! What are these traits that women find so resistless? Read on my curious friend :.
No. 1 - Ambition : Women find this unbelievably attractive and sexy! Making your goals and passions known and truly striving for them will turn her on big time ; for instance striving to create your own business and be financially free, or training for a sporting event for charity. Both these display ambition and purpose, and will flick the attraction switch on in women immediately. If you are in a human relationship already, DO NOT make your purpose your girlfriend: women do not want a man that lives solely to please them.
No. 2 - Leadership : As a man, women will forever look to you to be decisive and to have a plan. The next time you are setting up a date, or your girlfriend asks "So, what do you want to do tonight?" in effect she's asking you to lead her. Have a clear plan, and lead her, and she will follow, beady eyed with attraction!.
No. 3 - Assurance : Believe in the value of yourself, don't become a doormat for her to walk all over, because once she's walked all over you, she'll walk away! A word of do n't need to be a dick to be self promised. If you share different beliefs and values than your girlfriend, hold onto those values and extract them, but do it in a way that wo n't cause arguments. If you sense things might get a little heated, turn the conversation into a jokey tone. For example, if she says she does n't like a song you just put on, turn it up louder and start singing along sarcastically at her!.
No. 4 - Modesty : Be self assured, but when someone does compliment you, do not start bragging; thank them for the compliment and leave it at that.
No. 5 - Confidence: Do not confuse confidence with arrogance. Women will see through arrogance straight away and it will turn them off. Confidence is something that you must genuinely possess, it cannot be faked.