"How to make a boy like you" has been that ever popular question that many of my female friends often ask me as someone whose social skills and dating experience they value and respect.
As a 38 year old man who's managed to transform himself from a shy boy to an outgoing and super confident guy today, I am now able to help girls understand how to best make either shy boys or outgoing guys like them or fall in love with them.
First of all, in order for me to help you get your kind of boy or man to like you, you need to understand what makes a guy tick when getting attracted to a girl and then how you can use his emotional attraction for you in your favor because you like him.
What I'm now going to tell you might shock you in one way or another and some of you may already know the truth. And, the shocking truth is that a majority of boys and even adult men are super or extremely shy when it comes to approaching and dating girls and women. The fact is that the more beautiful and sexy you look, the more intimidated or scared many guys will feel about approaching you.
What this means is that if you really fancy or like that guy so much and he happens to be one of these super shy guys, you will then surely find your best way of getting closer to him.
To cut to the chase, here are some cool tips on both what qualities boys like in girls and also what you could do to make them instantly like you or fall in love with you.
1) Believe it or not, according to many surveys and dating research results, many boys and men prefer very confident girls and women. This is now to simply help you understand that there's nothing wrong with a situation where you as a girl go ahead and say 'hello' to a boy and start a conversation with him.
I can imagine that you now might be thinking: "But girls never or very rarely approach boys..."
I absolutely understand you thinking that way and in order to help you see the positive or the pink side of it, later I'm going to show you how super easily and with no shyness a girl can approach and most importantly attract her type of boy with little or almost no effort at all.2) Boys and men will absolutely love you when you make sure they can feel 100% themselves or in their own element while you two are spending time together. In other words, if you let them be themselves in your company, then they'll naturally and spontaneously express their real feelings and their true emotional attraction for you. And, this is exactly what you are after.
3) Another thing that perfectly adds to the latter is to mention that one of the best ways you can easily and quickly make him fall for you is simply by asking him about his greatest interests and passions thus making him absolutely feel at his own ease.
4) Speaking of passions, now I'm going to tell you about that super easy way you can both improve your confidence to smoothly approach him and can also powerfully attract his attention.
You've probably heard that repeatedly said cliche: "Feel great about yourself and then you'll be OK."
But now you may be wondering: "How can I start feeling great about myself? And, how can it help me attract that boy I like?"It's actually very easy. All you have to do to start feeling great about yourself is simply start thinking of and imagining all your dream things, interests and passions that you really desire in your life and the exact way you would feel while fully enjoying them in your thoughts. And, then you'd simply practise that kind of thinking for about half an hour every day. And, guess what happens as a result of all this.
Yes, you're perfectly right if you've just said: "I will start feeling great and fantastic about myself."
And, as a result of that, you'll automatically become happier and more attractive to both your friends and also to that boy who you like so much and who you'd like to instantly attract.In short, feeling great about yourself will help you improve your confidence so much that saying 'hello' and giving a warm smile to that boy will become as easy as 1-2-3 for you.